
Ferrari is among the world’s leading luxury brands, focused on the design, engineering, production and sale of the world’s most recognisable luxury performance sports cars.

The Ferrari brand symbolises exclusivity, innovation, state-of-the-art sporting performance and Italian design. Its history and the image enjoyed by its cars are closely associated with its Formula 1 racing team, Scuderia Ferrari, the most successful team in Formula 1 history.

PT Eurokars Prima Utama is the exclusive importer and distributor of Ferrari cars in Indonesia, with a showroom in the Menteng area in Central Jakarta. Designed to be a one-stop destination for an exclusive Ferrari experience in the country, the 3S facility was built to the exacting standards of the brand’s latest global corporate identity.

Every element in the building is thoughtfully designed to offer an immersive experience for all guests, whether they are visiting to build their new dream supercar, view the latest selection of Ferrari Approved pre-owned cars, or have their existing cars serviced at our Aftersales facility.

A warm and welcoming lounge featuring upscale Italian furniture in stylish shades of deep chestnut and light cashmere is juxtaposed against a pair of minimalist and ultra-modern video walls. Every screen connects guests to the brand by offering powerful and thrilling glimpses of the Ferrari universe, meant to strengthen the sense of passion and kinship among owners and inspire a new generation of Ferraristi in the local community with an inextricable link to the brand’s social circle and latest happenings around the globe.

Guests are always welcome to take a minute to enjoy a cup of Italian gourmet coffee in the comforts of our modernist lounge. Influenced and inspired by sincere Indonesian hospitality from the heart, our team stands ready to serve and delight, and looks forward to welcoming all Ferrari owners and enthusiasts in our home in Jakarta.

Click on the links above to visit our official page or social media accounts for more information.

Ferrari adalah salah satu merek ternama di dunia, dengan fokus kuat di desain, engineering, produksi, dan penjualan mobil sport mewah performa tinggi yang paling terkenal di dunia.

Merek Ferrari adalah lambang eksklusivitas, inovasi, performa sport yang canggih, dan desain Italia. Sejarah dan citra nama Ferrari terjalin sangat erat dengan tim balap Formula 1, Scuderia Ferrari — tim paling sukses dalam sejarah Formula 1.

PT Eurokars Prima Utama adalah importir dan distributor eksklusif mobil Ferrari di Indonesia, dengan showroom dan service centre di kawasan Menteng di Jakarta Pusat. Showroom ini dirancang sebagai one-stop destination untuk memberikan setiap tamu pengalaman Ferrari yang eksklusif dan all-rounded di Indonesia, lengkap dengan fasilitas 3S yang dibangun sesuai standar identitas perusahaan global terbaru.

Setiap elemen di gedung ini di desain secara kreatif agar memberikan pengalaman yang sangat mendalam untuk semua tamu yang datang untuk melihat pilihan mobil Ferrari Approved pre-owned yang terbaru, membuat konfigurasi mobil supercar impian mereka, atau berkunjung untuk membawa mobil mereka masuk untuk servis di fasilitas purnajual kami.

Showroom lounge khusus pelanggan yang di desain dengan perpaduan nuansa warna coklat hangat dan kasmir muda, dipadu dengan furniture mewah dari Italia dan display video yang minimalis dan ultra-modern. Setiap layar yang ada menyajikan berbagai koleksi video yang menghubungkan para pengunjung dengan dunia Ferrari yang luar biasa, untuk mengembangkan semangat kekeluargaan didalam komunitas lokal Ferraristi di Indonesia.

Inilah tempat berkumpul yang istimewa dimana semua pemilik dan penggemar Ferrari dapat menyelami secara langsung kehebatan merk Prancing Horse, dan tim kami selalu siap menyambut setiap pengunjung dengan senang hati.

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